Welcome to the (second) grand opening of this blog that I created years ago but just kinda let it die mainly because I didn't have any readers. So why continue writing when there is no one there to read it? Then it just boils down to me essentially talking to myself and that's crazy!
So I'm back and will start blogging more frequently. Think of this as a sort of online public journal. Here I will talk about various topics and even myself so you can get to know me better for those who already don't. So let's start off small.
I'm 29-years-old. I'm a student going for my B.A. in "Hospitality, Tourism & Event Planning" which is a mouthful, I know. Basically it's a degree in the hotel/restaurant industry. As some may know I graduated from culinary school back in 2004, and after working in the industry for 18 months decided it was something I did
not want to continue doing.
Then why are you back in school majoring in it?" Good question. I had no choice because the college I'm attending would only accept my transfer credits if I majored in something similar to what I already got my degree in at the Art Institute. The closest program they offered was the HTE program so I got stuck back in to a field I have very little to no interest at all. But in this day and age I could have majored in underwater basket weaving and it doesn't matter; as long as you have that piece of paper that's all that matters.
Let's see, I'm very interested in Japan and I hope to travel and live there one day once I graduate. I'm learning to speak Japanese but as of right now I can read it better than speak it, and even at that half the times I don't know what I'm reading because I don't know a lot of vocabulary...
but I can read it!! =D I love sushi and I just find their entire culture fascinating.
I love to write and I'm excellent at English. I hate math but only because it makes me feel so stupid because I don't understand it. So don't ask me to help you on math, but if you need a document proofread or spell checked I'm your man! Now it's funny because even though I love to write I haven't actually written anything of worth. I've written about a dozen or so video game reviews but that's about it. I did write a short story once but I can't find it and it's really pissing me off because it was good! The hard drive I thought it was on turned out it wasn't, and I know I printed out a hard copy a loooooong time ago but God only knows where the hell that is if I even still have it. Yeah, so I'm a little bit pissed at myself and my irresponsibility about that.
Hoo boy! All right, I'll stop there since I have a tendency to ramble. Welcome again to my blog and I hope you find me worthy enough to spend some of your time reading what I have to say about this crazy world we live in and my even crazier life!