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Saturday, June 25, 2011

PSN Down - Gamers Need to Unite Not Segregate Further

Like many of you and the gaming world, I have been watching this whole fiasco of PSN vs hackers from the sidelines. I haven't really commented on it because up until now I thought I didn't have anything to say that every gaming site and gaming blog on the 'Net hasn't already. But as I was replying to a fellow member and friend's blog here at 1UP (YariX) I found my voice on the issue.

All I've read so far are people complaining about how Sony is to blame, or people complaining about the hackers. And then my personal favorite: Xbox 360 zealots coming out of the woodwork heralding this criminal act as somehow a "mighty blow" to Sony and those dirty PS3 lovers.

I just have this to say if you fall into that latter category: Grow up.

Zip up your fly, put the measuring tape away and be mature for once in your life.

This is one of those rare moments when gamers, regardless of their allegiance, need to COME TOGETHER and SUPPORT each other rather than using this as a cheap way to brag about how their system is superior. Stop acting like a spoiled little brat and show some solidarity for your fellow gamer instead of ostracizing and condemning them as lepers.

It just absolutely sickens me that people are exploiting this event and twisting it in a demented way to add fuel to that universal waste of time pissing contest also know as "console wars."

The fact is I don't care WHAT company this happened to it's NOT cool. If nothing else I hope we can at least agree on that much. The fact is this was a heinous and criminal act that has affected GAMERS. This should serve to bring all of us gamers TOGETHER collectively; not to help further segregate and expand the petty rift between us.

This is not politics. There are no political parties in games. There are no devisive topics that keep us from seeing eye to eye. For God's sake, 99.9% of the time we play the same games but perhaps on a different console. We all love to play games. The system you own or prefer is inconsequential beyond that basic, rudimentary fact because playing games is WHAT MATTERS not the name of the console you play it on.

"Now is not the time to play the blame game."

So please, if nothing else just stop a moment and think about the over-arching consequences this will have on the industry as a whole. Now is not the time to point fingers and play the blame game. There will be plenty of time for that later, and the individual(s) responsible will be brought to justice. Until then now is the time to stand together in solidarity as gamers and show support for one another and the company that is affected.

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